Art Show
“Jesus and Mary”
“Jesus and Mary” is an art exhibit depicting a God of pure goodness and beauty, who cares about our struggles, and burdens. He hears us. He empathizes with us. He shows us mercy. It shows the tender life of Mary embracing her special calling to bring Jesus, God’s Son, into the world and care for him as any good mother would. The show depicts the trials and sufferings of both Mary and Jesus and how they enflesh the divine will of the Father. The images which “Jesus and Mary” bring to the public testify to a God who is approachable and all loving.
This art exhibit can be installed at your church, school, or special gathering for a limited time from three days to two weeks depending your needs. please contact us for more detailed information.
Questions & Answers
How many pieces of art will be shown? 30 - 40 pieces are in the traveling art exhibit. If your venue is smaller, fewer pieces will be on display.
Who does the installation? The artist does the entire installation. No other employees or volunteers are needed to install the exhibit.
Can I have a “meet and greet” or presentation by the artist? Yes you can, but it is not a requirement.
What is the cost? There is no fee.
How long is the art on exhibit? For parishes the length of time is at least one week. For retreats, it is the length of the retreat.
Is any of the art for sale? There will be art prints for sale at the opening of the display or at an agreed upon date, such as at a presentation.
Below are a small sampling of the art that will be put on display
The Crucifixion
The Kiss
Hold Me
St. Michael
Take and Eat
Mary’s Crown
The Annunciation
Baptism of Jesus
Down from the Cross

Contact us
Have a lot of questions? Are you interested in booking a show or a talk? Please send us a message with all your questions and concerns. We would love to hear from you.